HIVPeCoT-T32 Trainee and PhD Candidate from the Bosque Lab

In person in Ross Hall, Room 602 and via Zoom.
Please join us in-person on Friday, February 17, 2022 at noon in Ross Hall - Room 602 for MITM Research Updates featuring Brendan Mann, PhD Candidate from the Maggirwar Lab and Carissa Stover, HIVPeCoT-T32 Trainee and PhD Candidate from the Bosque Lab. Mr. Mann presents "Permissibility of gd T Cells to HIV Infection" Ms. Stover presents "The Role of Biological Sex, Age, and Sex Hormones on the Activity of IL-15 in the Context of HIV Cure Strategies." The seminar will also be available in a hybrid format (via Zoom) as a courtesy to those who cannot attend in-person. Attendance in-person is highly encouraged and Pizza to-go will be served at the end of the event!